My Offerings

*All offers are available in person or via Zoom calls

**All offers are Donation Based

Conflict Mediation

Do you value your relationships and want to keep them harmonious? Do you struggle with effectively communicating your feelings, emotions, boundaries, and desires? My conflict mediation service provides a safe and neutral space where I facilitate communication between parties, ensuring that each person is heard and understood. With my expertise in translating communication, I help to bring clarity to conversations that may otherwise be challenging. Invest in the health of your relationships with my conflict mediation services.

Invest in your relationships

Dragon Dreaming

Do you have a deep desire to manifest your passions and align your life with your soul's purpose? My Dragon Dreaming consulting service focuses on unlocking the fifth dimension where all things are possible. Using a meditative state, I guide you through the process of creating a powerful vision that will transform your life. These sessions include a written analysis of the information we uncover, so you have a roadmap to guide you forward. Invest in yourself with Dragon Dreaming consulting.

Investment in yourself

Heart Space

Do you struggle with understanding and managing your emotions? Do you find that heavy feelings are preventing you from achieving your dreams? My emotional mastery service provides tools that support you in journeying inwards, to the realm of your feelings. These tools are a form of meditation and exercises that help to release negative emotions and support you in creating your dreams in this world. Learn the breakthrough process, heart space, sacred bubble, and the allowance process to achieve emotional freedom.

Invest in your HEART

Intuitive Touch Healing

Do you want to release tension and stress from your body and experience the healing power of touch? My intuitive touch healing and nurturing services are designed to provide you with the relaxation and support you need. With intuitive touch healing, I combine touch, awareness, and breathing techniques to help you release stored energy. Intuitive nurturing, on the other hand, is a container of parental-type love that helps you feel supported and held in a safe, professional environment. Experience the power of touch with my intuitive touch healing and nurturing services.

Plant Medicine Integration Support

Have you recently experienced a profound journey with plant medicine and need support integrating your experience into your reality? My plant medicine integration support service provides a safe and compassionate space for you to explore your experience and discuss your understanding of yourself. With my guidance, we'll uncover anything you missed on the journey and help you integrate your experience into your daily life.

Contact Me !



Ticon’s Story

In 2012, I found myself in a position where I could do anything I wanted, but I was paralyzed with inaction and consumed by depression. However, a powerful inner voice emerged within me, urging me to move my family to Costa Rica - a land where I had only been once and knew no one. This decision was the best I have ever made, and it marked the first time in a long time that I had listened to my intuition.

Upon moving to Costa Rica, I found myself with an abundance of time, which I used to read and research subjects I had previously dismissed as fantasy. I began to have personal experiences that coincided with this newfound knowledge, leading to the creation of Finca Morpho and the open-source Nomadic Community. As I co-created these innovative systems, I gained a deeper understanding of myself and the world.

My first grand realization was permaculture. Finca Morpho was a land undergoing deforestation and desertification, and I had no prior experience in agriculture. When I discovered permaculture principles and training, I understood that everything we need to know about sustainability exists within nature. With years of practice and study, I am now confident in my ability to design permaculture farms and systems.

I quickly realized that practicing permaculture alone is not easy, which is why community became a desirable reality for our project. By inviting people to come work on our permaculture farm, I learned the importance of mediation and developed many new tools for this responsibility, including Non-Violent communication, clearing conversation, and completion conversation. Through thousands of visitors to Finca Morpho, I gained the ability to hold space for all those willing to be heard and to hear others to create clarity, connection, and harmony.

During my time in mediation, I discovered three powerful modalities that deepened my understanding of emotions and feelings: the 6-step process from the Course on Miracles, the breakthrough process from Earthwaking University, and the sacred bubble introduced by my good friend Merlin. While these tools require vulnerability and willingness, they are the most effective I have encountered.

I also discovered the importance of nurturing the body. As I received more bodywork, I realized that emotions are stored in the body as tension and trauma. Through intuitive touch healing, I assist individuals in releasing their own tension and trauma through guidance and communication. Holding someone with presence and love can change their whole world, releasing oxytocin, the body's love hormone. This simple and powerful practice has been supported by scientific research.

As my project planning skills heightened, I discovered Dragon Dreaming, a meditation introduced by my friend Merlin. This powerful pathway allows one to channel creative energy into verbal and written form, bringing dreams into reality. I have used this technique dozens of times to co-create Finca Morpho, La Paz, and the open-source Nomadic Community model, as well as supporting other projects.

Finally, I discovered plant medicine, which became a powerful ally on my personal journey. Although these experiences can be intense and difficult to understand from a "normal" mind, I began to connect deeply with the spirits of these medicines and the ultimate truth of our existence. Through supporting other community members on their journeys, I developed a talent for integration. Having someone who understands and supports the weirdness of our personal journeys can be the most powerful ally we can have.

All of these services are areas in which I hold an amazing space and feel extremely confident.


Ticon has been a loyal friend and great source of inspiration ever since I landed on the Osa peninsula in Costa Rica in 2018. I was immediately in awe how he actually 'walks the talk' of unconditional love and offers support and opportunities to all who come to him for guidance, no matter what has transpired in the past. This is a pretty rare trait. Ticon has the magic to soothe, uplift and activate with his words, and with his hands and presence. I have been fortunate to receive several of his healing intuitive sessions and as a bodyworker know he is gifted because he sees and acknowledges his own healing magic. And thereby encourages us to do the same. He not only has a great affection for his fellow humans, but for his home planet as well. If I would need a hand or advice with creating my own sustainable piece of paradise in the tropics, I'd consult Ticon. Ticon is one of the many uprising leaders in love and I am grateful to have him on my team and to be on his.'

- Issa Karuna (bodyworker, natural medicine facilitator, Morphian)